Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Kind Of Text From Grade X – XII


The purpose of recount text is tells the reader past event
A recount has three elements :
1.      Orientation which tells the readers who was involved in the story, what happened, where the story took place and when it happened.
2.      Series Of Events which tell the sequence of events. These events are describe in a chronological order.
3.      Re-orientation which summarizes the event.


The purpose of narratives is to amuse or entertain the listeners or the readers
The generic structure of a narrative is :
1.      Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participant of the story.
2.      Complication : a crisis arises
3.      Resolutions : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse
4.      Re-orientation (optional) : the change which happens to the participants and the lessons we can learn from the story.
The structure of narratives occurs in the text variously. A text may have only one complication and resolution, but another text may have more than one complication and resolution.
The grammatical features of narratives include :
  • Use of adjectives to build noun groups to describe the people, animals or things in the story, such as a beautiful princess named kandita
  • Use of time connectives and conjunctions to sequence events through time, such as however, although, later, then
  • Use of adverbs and adverbial phrases to locate the particular events, such as once upon a time in the night
  • Use of past tense, such as ….decided to marry…,…was very happy
  • Use of action verbs to indicate the actions, such as woke up, cried, walked, jump into
  • Use of saying and thinking verbs to indicate what characters are feeling, thinking or saying.
Procedure Text

The purpose of procedure text is to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.
The structure is :
1.      Goal or Title
2.      Materials / ingredients or the things you need to achieve the goal
3.      Steps. The steps are oriented to achieving the goal.

News Item

The purpose of news item is to inform the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
The structure of this text type is :
1.      Newsworthy event(s) : recount(s) the event(s) in a summary form
2.      Background events : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances
3.      Sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event


The purpose of descriptive is to describe a particular person, place or thing.
A descriptive text consists of two parts :
1.      Identifications : it identifies the phenomenon to be described
2.      Description : it describe parts, qualities, characteristics.
In a descriptive text, we use mostly the simple present tense.

Report Text

The purpose of report text is to describe the way things are, with references to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomenon in our environment it consists of general.
It consists :
1.      General classification tells what the phenomenon under discussion is
2.      Description tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of : parts (amd their function), qualities, habits or behavior.
Reports generally describe an entire class of things, whether natural or man-made, such as kind of animals, human body and natural phenomenon. The common grammatical patterns of an information report include the use generals nouns, the simple present and the use of technical terms.

Analytical Expositions

The purpose of analytical expositions is to persuade the listeners of the readers that something in case.
The structure of the text consists of :
1.      Thesis :
·         Position : introduces the topic and indicate the writer’s position
·         Preview : outlines the main arguments to be presented
2.      Arguments :
·         Point : restates the main arguments outlined in the preview
·         Elaborations : develops and supports each point
3.      Reflection : restates the writer’s position.
The linguistic features of an analytical expositions are :

  • Focus on generic human and non-human participants, such as recycling
  • More use of modality and modulation
  • Use a few temporal conjunctive relations, such as moreover
  • Reasoning expressed as verbs and nouns such as think
  • Use of material, relational and mental processes, such as construct, mean, is, are, think

Hortatory Expositions

The purpose of hortatory expositions is to  persuade the readers that something should or should not be the cases.
A hortatory expositions consists of three parts :
1.      Thesis : an explanations of issue concern
2.      Arguments : reasons for concern, leading to recommendation
3.      Recommendation : a statement of what ought or ought not to happen


The communicative purpose of a spoof is to retell an event with a humorous twist
Here are the generic structure of a spoof :
1.      Orientation : sets the scene. It is the introductions of the story. By giving orientation, the readers will recognize, for the first time, who involved in the story.
2.      Event(s) : tell(s) what happened . several events are explored in a chronological way which is able to arrange the story nicely
3.      Twist : the punch-line (unexpected/funny ending). The reader even didn’t predict before that it would be
Here are the language feature of a spoof :
·         Focus on individual participants , e.g. a multimillionaire
·         Use of material processes , e.g. parked
·         Use circumstances of time and place , e.g. over next few days
·         Use of past tense ,  e.g. borrowed, returned


The purpose of explanation text is to explain the processes involved in natural and social phenomenon, or to explain how something works. These texts answer the questions “how” or “why”.
There are two basics type of explanation : i.e. focus on how and why.
The elements of the explanation text are :
1.      General classification which explains the processes involved in natural and social phenomena, or to explain how something works.
2.      Explanations which explains how or why something occurs
3.      Conclusion (optional)
These texts often have a logical sequence, use cause/affect relations and also use time relations.

The purpose of discussions is to discusses something about pros and cons from the topic
A discussion text present at least two point of views about an issue
A discussion text consists of three point :
1.      Issue
2.      Arguments for and against
3.      Conclusion or recommendation
The language features of a discussion are :
·         Focus on generic human and generic non-human participant
·         Use of material, relational and mental processes
·         Use logical conjunctive relation


The purpose of review is to criticize a work of art even for a public audience
Such works of art include movies, TV shows, books, plays, operas, recordings, exhibitions, concerts, and ballets.
The generic structure of a review consists of :
1.      Orientation places the work in its general and particular context, often by comparing it with others of its king through analog with a non-art object or event
2.      Interpretative recount summarizes the plot and/or provides an account of how the reviewed rendition of the work came into being. It is optional, but if present, often recursive.
3.      Evaluation provides an evaluation of the work and/or its performance or production. It is usually recursive.
4.      Evaluative summation or conclusions provides a kind of punch line which sums up the reviewer’s opinion of the arts event as a whole. It’s optional
Common grammatical features in review texts include :
·         Adjectives for describing characters
·         Present tense-changes to past tense if texts have a historical setting
·         Persuasive language used in assessing

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